Credit Card Processing

Preventing “Friendly Fraud” with EMV Processing

Card-present fraud used to be black and white—retail businesses didn’t have to cover the losses; the credit card issuing banks did. Since October 2015, the grounds have shifted dramatically. That’s when the EMV liability shift took place. It says that merchants who don’t use an EMV chip terminal are liable

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Credit Card Processing

TLS and PCI, Explained

PCI, SSL and TLS can be confusing. Here are the basics about the recent shift in data security protocols. Sensitive info that travels over the internet is always seeing new kinds of cyber security threats. That’s why there are regular security updates for the systems that transmit it. But all the

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Business Tips

5 Mistakes to Avoid with Recurring Billing

Recurring billing, also known as recurring credit card processing or auto pay, can be a useful business tool and a valued perk for customers. It gives them the convenience of not having to remember to pay for product or service plans that occur over a length of time. Payment due

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